Entity: government agency, foundation, commercial sponsor,
academic institution, etc.
Grant: A grant from an entity, generally [but not always] paid to your
Personal Fees: Monies paid to you for services rendered, generally
honoraria, royalties, or fees for consulting , lectures, speakers bureaus,
expert testimony, employment, or other affiliations
Non-Financial Support: Examples include drugs/equipment
supplied by the entity, travel paid by the entity, writing assistance,
administrative support, etc.
1. Identifying information.
2. The work under consideration for publication.
either directly or indirectly (via your institution), to enable you to complete the work. Checking “No” means that you did the work
without receiving any financial support from any third party — that is, the work was supported by funds from the same institution that
pays your salary and that institution did not receive third-party funds with which to pay you. If you or your institution received funds
from a third party to support the work, such as a government granting agency, charitable foundation or commercial sponsor, check
3. Relevant financial activities outside the submitted work.
give the appearance of potentially influencing, what you wrote in the submitted work. You should disclose interactions with ANY entity
that could be considered broadly relevant to the work. For example, if your article is about testing an epidermal growth factor receptor
(EGFR) antagonist in lung cancer, you should report all associations with entities pursuing diagnostic or therapeutic strategies in cancer
in general, not just in the area of EGFR or lung cancer.
Report all sources of revenue paid (or promised to be paid) directly to you or your institution on your behalf over the 36 months prior to
submission of the work. This should include all monies from sources with relevance to the submitted work, not just monies from the
entity that sponsored the research. Please note that your interactions with the work’s sponsor that are outside the submitted work
should also be listed here. If there is any question, it is usually better to disclose a relationship than not to do so.
For grants you have received for work outside the submitted work, you should disclose support ONLY from entities that could be
perceived to be affected financially by the published work, such as drug companies, or foundations supported by entities that could be
perceived to have a financial stake in the outcome. Public funding sources, such as government agencies, charitable foundations or
academic institutions, need not be disclosed. For example, if a government agency sponsored a study in which you have been involved and drugs were provided by a pharmaceutical company, you need only list the pharmaceutical company.
4. Intellectual Property.
5. Relationships not covered above.
potentially influencing, what you wrote in the submitted work.
Other: Anything not covered under the previous three boxes
Pending: The patent has been filed but not issued
Issued: The patent has been issued by the agency
Licensed: The patent has been licensed to an entity, whether
earning royalties or not
Royalties: Funds are coming in to you or your institution due to your